What is CBD?
CBD is an acronym for Cannabidiol (Can-a-bid-i-ol), a prominent naturally occurring class of molecules called cannabinoids found in the plant genus Cannabis Sativa L. CBD comprises up to 40% of the plant and is one of over 60 plus compounds found in cannabis. Of these compounds, CBD and THC are usually present in the highest concentrations, and are therefore the most recognized and studied. CBD is a non- psychoactive component of the plant that possesses a wide range of benefits and does not cause a high, unlike THC. Our bodies are made up of an endocannabinoid system and use cannabinoids to maintain healthy cells.
What is CBD oil?
CBD oil is derived from hemp plants that have high levels of cannabidiol (CBD) while having low levels of THC. At MASH Tactical, our CBD oils always have less than 0.2% THC. These extracts can then be used in paste form, or mixed with other oils such as hemp seed oil, to lower the viscosity of the extract. The cannabidiol (CBD) content of CBD oil varies tremendously, since the manufacturers use a varying assortment of hemp plants and preparation techniques. We produce CBD oil with a high concentration of CBD and containing 0.02% THC.
What's the difference between Marijuana & Hemp?
Scientifically, industrial Hemp and Marijuana are the same plant, with a genus and species name of Cannabis Sativa. They have a drastically different genetic profile though. Industrial Hemp is always a strain of Cannabis sativa, while marijuana can be Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, or Cannabis ruderalis. The major difference is how industrial hemp has been bred compared to a marijuana form of Cannabis sativa. Typically speaking, industrial hemp is very fibrous, with long strong stalks, and barely has any flowering buds, while a marijuana strain of Cannabis sativa will be smaller, bushier, and full of flowering buds. However, newer industrial hemp varieties in the USA are being bred to have more flowers and higher yields of cannabinoids and terpenes, such as our Kentucky hemp we’re now using! 99% of the time marijuana has a high amount of THC and only a very low amount of CBD. Hemp, on the other hand, naturally has a very high amount of CBD in most instances, and only a trace amount of THC. Fortunately, the cannabinoid profile of hemp is ideal for people looking for benefits from cannabis without the ‘high.’ Hemp is used for making herbal supplements, food, fiber, rope, paper, bricks, oil, natural plastic, and so much more, whereas marijuana is usually used just recreationally, spiritually, and medicinally. The term cannabis oil can refer to either a marijuana or hemp derived oil, since marijuana and hemp are two different forms of cannabis. In the USA the legal definition of “industrial hemp,” per Section 7606 of the Agricultural Appropriations Act of 2014, is “INDUSTRIAL HEMP — The term ‘‘industrial hemp’’ means the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of such plant, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.”
Is CBD oil legal?
There is no need for a prescription or medical card to purchase hemp CBD. It is a natural constituent of the high CBD Hemp strains of the plant containing very low levels of THC. Having only trace amounts of THC, our hemp CBD oil is non-psychoactive and legal in all 50 states. CBD Oil/Hemp Oil and other hemp products are considered to be food-based. As such, there are currently no restrictions on the production, sale and consumption of hemp oil in the United States. CBD Oil/Hemp Oil is legal in most countries in the world as long is it contains low or in some countries untraceable concentrations of the molecule THC.
What is the best method of use?
For our dietary supplements we can only recommend them for internal consumption. If you don’t like the flavor of the oil supplements, you can mix with something sweet like apple sauce or honey to cut through the flavor. Oils are to be taken sublingually and held under your tongue for 60-90 seconds before being swallowed. For the topicals apply to the affected area. A hot towel can be used before or after application to open up pores and increase efficiency for the business just like using this pay stub creator software.
Will I get high?
No. Our Hemp Extract products are all made from industrial hemp, which only has trace amounts of THC, so there is no psychoactive effect from taking our products.
Returns and refunds?
If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase, you may request a full refund on the purchase price within 30 days. Customer is responsible for return shipping.